Decoration and beautifying by planning every segment of your life with – plants

Enjoy playing with ideas of embellishing everyday routine simply by adding our green friends. You know, decoration & planning can be such a stress relief. Try it, you won’t regret it…

What else? Landscaping perhaps?

Why not? Featuring stories will show before and after landscaping moments, including balconies, gardens, resorts, and vineyards. Or whatever suits us and our customers. Decoration. Planning. You name it – we got it.

Decoration and planning

What makes special occasions so special? Everything’s in details… Holidays, weddings, baby showers, special dinners can get that special festivity note simply because you added a bouquet or a wreath of field flowers. We know you know it already. But we will give you our own perspective of it. Simple as that. Rest is up to you.

22 05, 2017

Easter decorations and arrangements


Handcraft of any kind can bring joy and relaxation. Use your imagination and let yourself go. Create arrangements, decor and replenish your interior. Here are a few pointers...

Easter decorations and arrangements2021-02-04T10:29:56+02:00
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