Grow a Green Crew
Grow a Green name states that our Crew is dealing with, and writing about plants. We are trying to combine horticulture, landscaping, pests, agriculture and biodiversity preserving. Hence, our team (authors Agnes and Lana) wants to share our knowledge and experience with the rest of the world via this blog.
Planning, growing and maintaining our green friends is our interest – way of living, so to say.
We may be European-continental-flora oriented, but sure did explore some other continents too, and are happy to say that so far we’ve realized that it is a privilege to live on this blue planet, among all its natural treasures. It is quite diverse, and we feel obliged to help preserving all those beauties in any way we can. Even through this blog and online communicating with our readers. Knowledge should be available to everyone, so our team will give its best to write about our experiences, and help you to Grow a Green as well.
Is it intended for you to Grow a Green?
Talking about urban areas – a true connection between local ecosystem (forest) and remnants of it (city park or some sort of a grow) is usually completely lost. Don’t know about you, but we are dying to restore even the slimmest possible link of a kind. Fragmented urban habitats, neglected-looking parks, squares and concrete river banks are just some of them.
Just grow it!
Is there a way to green up our space once again?
Most definitely! And there are plenty of people outside this online-virtual world working on it. Slowly, one step at a time, with not necessarily so much money, but with careful planning and joint effort of science and practical experience – you can achieve it as well.
A small piece of nature in your hands, mind, and soul
Grow a green is intended for all the people who sincerely enjoy having a small piece of nature in their hands, mind, and soul.
For starters, just do your thing – contemplate, talk, read, activate, then conclude and react. We are here to write about things we’ve experienced, learned, and (yes) taught about. Hopefully, we will manage to give you ideas, something to think about, or just make you smile and enjoy some distant green world via few paragraphs, photos and video reports. Think of it like making love – it will bring all the nicest feelings on the surface..
So, buckle up, we’re gonna Grow a Green…
Genres and topics we are writing about, mostly consider urban greenery – how to grow and maintain all those prominent and hidden (usually fragile and damaged) ecosystems, and vice versa – how can humans benefit from them. Point is to enjoy these green thumb activities, yet to keep them simple, money-, energy- and time efficient as much as you can. Meanwhile, we’ll give our best to indulge our readers’ imaginative roller coasters.
Ever felt the need to be surrounded by nature?
Wherever you live – we bet that at least once in your life you felt the need of physically having nature right where you’re at. Just a hint of forest, meadow, garden, waterfront… It doesn’t matter how will you define it. It is individual, something that soothes you and fills you with energy at the same time. Even if it is just a potted ficus. Help spreading our green friends, having sex to say the least, you will enrich your surrounding with fresh air, beauty and serenity. Since you are reading this, we’ll assume that after all, you are some sort of a nature lover. And who knows? Maybe this could be a beginning of a beautiful reading?